Thai Flower Play For Fun

Weed games are like cannabis slang: there are a lot of them and they can be pretty creative. Plus, they are a great way of getting you flying sky-high really fast and spend a fun time with your friends.

Thai people universally have one, or occasionally more, short nicknames (Thai: ชื่อเล่น name-play) that they use with friends and family. Often first given shortly after birth by friends or an older family member, these nicknames are overwhelmingly one syllable 21 (or worn down from two syllables to one). Thai Flower online slots game is a dreamy adventure, where multiple winning opportunities abound. Many exciting symbols will fill the reels in Thai Flower Slot. These include the lovely Thai lady, the golden jewelry box, 10-Jack-Queen-King and Ace symbols, Lotus flowers, elephants, and opulent palaces.

To give you plenty of options, we trolled the internet (as in carefully and systematically searched, not the offensive comment) looking for the best weed games. We then assembled 21 of the best for your smoking pleasure.


1. Never Have I Ever

Thai flower play for fun adults


Thai flower play for fun girls

Gather everyone together and make sure there’s enough ganja to go around. Roll a few joints, pack a few bongs, or have some blunts standing at the ready. Pick a person to go first. That person makes a simple statement starting with “Never have I ever…” followed by some action.

So, for example, someone might say, “Never have I ever been chased by a bear.” Anyone who has done or experienced that action takes a toke. The next person in the group (clockwise, counter-clockwise, zig zag around the room, whatever) makes a statement and the play goes on from there.

Thai Flower Play For Fun Parties

2. Medusa

Sit in a circle with your cannabis at the ready. Everyone puts their head down or just looks at their feet. On the count of three, everyone looks up and stares at another player.

If you’re looking at someone who ISN’T looking at you, you’re safe. If you’re looking at someone who IS looking at you, shout “Medusa!”, fire up your joint and take a hit.

3. Jammin’


This game is simple in its concept but requires that everyone have their own weed. Put on the song Jammin’ by Bob Marley and take a hit every time Mr. Marley says “jammin’” or “jam.” There are a couple times in the song where the backup singers say “jammin’” or “jam,” so you can decide beforehand if you want those to count.

Be warned, though, those backup-singer “jams” come fast and furious (4 hits in 4 seconds). Either way, it’s a fun weed game that is sure to get you baked in no time.

4. Weed Jenga

This requires a bit of planning and prep beforehand, but you can make a game out of that too. You’ll need a permanent marker and a box of Jenga blocks. Get plenty high and then write rules on some or all of the Jenga blocks.

You can skip the get high part (although why you would, I don’t know) but you still have to write rules. Rules like, “take two hits” or “close your eyes for the rest of the game” work well. Get creative and have fun (that’s why the get high part first).

When you’ve finished writing the rules, assemble the Jenga tower and play as normal. When a player pulls a block, they have to do what it says. When the tower collapses, the person responsible has to watch while everyone else takes a puff on their joint or blunt. That’s the basics, but you can make up your own rules to make the game more interesting.

5. Power Hour

While not technically a game, Power Hour is a great way to get seriously stoned and have fun. You’ll need a bunch of your favorite music and a bunch of weed so there’s enough to go around.


Alternatively, you could download a Power Hour mix or play one on YouTube. A Power Hour mix is an hour or two of songs in random increments (15 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, etc.). You can also do it with your own music by randomly and manually changing the song.

But for that to work, the person doing the changing has to pay attention—something that may get harder and harder as the hour goes on. Whenever the song changes, everyone has to take a hit from whatever ganja is nearby. Dancing and revelry are encouraged.

6. Video Games


This weed game is pretty self-explanatory. Pick your favorite video game—Super Smash Bros. or Mario Kart work well—and play until there’s a winner. Winner gets to take a puff from the bong while the others have to watch. Play again. Alternatively, the winner could get 2, 3, or 4 puffs while the loser(s) only get one.

7. Rock Band

Rock Band is great for groups of 2 to 5 players and can be a seriously entertaining way to pass a few hours…and a few joints. If you don’t have Rock Band, you can use Guitar Hero.

You could add any number of different rules, but basically, you pick a score or a percentage and everyone (or the team as a whole) has to be above that number. If you achieve that goal, everyone gets 2 hits. If you don’t achieve that goal, you only get 1 hit (or no hits).

Alternatively, you can go head-to-head (no pun intended). The person with the highest score gets two tokes while the loser gets none. Make up your own rules and rock on.

8. Movie Time


For those who want to move as little as possible while getting amazingly high, there’s always movie time. First, pick a movie. Then make a rule that when something specific happens or is said in the movie, everyone has to take a hit.

So, for example, if you chose a stoner movie, every time someone smokes in the movie, you all have to puff-puff at home.

And it doesn’t just have to be stoner movies. If you pick a rom-com, smoke when someone kisses in the movie. If you pick an action movie, smoke when someone gets shot. If you pick a horror movie, smoke every time you see blood. Need I go on?

9. Bong Pong

This weed game is similar to beer pong but the reward is bud instead of beer. Players attempt to bounce a ping pong ball into a cup of beer. If the ball lands in the cup, the person who made the shot gets to hit the bong while her opponent has to drink the beer. Make up your own rules for an added bit of fun.

10. Smokin’ Dice Game


Smokin’ Dice is a quick and easy way to have some fun and get high at the same time. Purchase a set of Smokin’ Dice, pack a big bowl of bud, and start rolling.

The four dice give you different combinations of tasks such as, “Player of your choice take 2 tokes then laugh as hard as you can while spinning in a circle” or “You take a puff then do a dance in slow motion.” No remembering a long list of rules, just plenty of smoking fun.

11. Hold Your Smoke (Taxi)

Just as the name of this weed game says, the point is to hold your smoke as long as possible. The simple version is: take a hit and hold it in, pass the ganja to the next person, exhale your smoke when the MJ makes it back around to you. That’s it!

If you can’t hold your smoke, or you choke, before the bud gets back to you, you’re out. There are endless variations of this game so make up your own rules for even more fun. This game can be pretty challenging if you’ve got 4 or more players, or if you really suck at holding your breath, so plan accordingly. At least you’ll be high while you’re doing it so who cares, right?

12. Wheel Of Weed Game

This one is perhaps the most prep-heavy, although we have seen rumors that an electronic version might be up for sale soon. You’ll need something that spins easily like a spinner from a board game (Twister?) to make this work. Label the spinner with the following tasks:

  • Smoke
  • Joke
  • Pass the Toke
  • Truth
  • Dare
  • Spin Again
  • Anything else you’d like to add

Take turns spinning and performing the task specified. You can choose a set number of rounds, play until the ganja is gone, or play last man standing.

13. Strip Choker


Strip Choker requires that everyone has their own weed, so plan accordingly. Other than that, the rules are simple. All players take a hit at the same time and hold it in. The first person to let their smoke out (be it by coughing or exhaling in any way) takes off a piece of clothing.

Play For Fun Flyff

14. Ash Bomber

For this weed game, you’ll need the following supplies:

  • A wide-mouthed jar (a cup will do too)
  • A sheet of toilet paper, tissue paper, or rolling paper
  • A penny
  • A rubber band
  • A joint or blunt (not a bong)

Cover the opening of the jar with the paper of your choice. Secure around the rim with the rubber band (like you would a sploof). Set the penny in the center of the tissue paper and light up your bud. Each person takes one or two tokes (decide beforehand), holds in the smoke, burns a hole in the tissue paper, passes the joint, and then exhales.

Players must burn a hole each time they take their tokes. The person who makes the penny fall is the loser and has to perform some task. We like making them roll the next joint so we can play again, but you can make up your own penalties.

15. Greenjack

Basically blackjack with weed as the reward. Player(s) closest to 21 in each hand gets a toke or two.

16. Rock, Paper, Scissors

Thai flower play for fun parties


This works well in small groups like 2 or 3, but it can be done in larger groups. For larger groups, you just have to play until it’s down to one-on-one.

However large your group, throw your choice of rock, paper, or scissors with the winner taking a puff. It’s a simple, yet effective weed game for any time or anywhere.

17. Spliff Solitaire

Most of the games on this list are better played in groups. But what’s a leaf loner to do when there’s no one else around? Play spliff solitaire! Just like the regular card game, the rules are super simple.

First, fire up a fatty. Second, deal out any style of solitaire. Or better yet, play it on a computer or mobile device so you don’t have to worry about how many cards go on each pile. Third, play the game to completion.

If you win, play again. If you lose—which will happen more often than not—take a toke on your one-hitter and try another round.

18. Wacky Weed Categories

Quick! Name a band whose name starts with the letter Q. Can’t do it? Hit that bong! Correct answers include Quiet Riot and Queensrÿche, by the way.

That’s the premise of Wacky Weed Categories—a game that’s simple in concept, but difficult in execution…especially after a few hits of the ganja. Here’s how to play.

Gather everyone together and sit in a circle. Honestly, you could sit in a square or a rhombus or even an enneadecagon (19 sides) if it strikes your fancy. It really doesn’t matter as long as you can pass your Mary Jane without too much effort.

Once you’re all seated, pick someone to go first. This person picks a category and a letter (e.g. bands whose name starts with Q). The category can be anything—movies, food, two-dimensional shapes like the enneadecagon, whatever.

The person who picked the category and letter goes first. She takes a hit as a reward for her creativity, names an example from the category that starts with the named letter, and then passes the weed to the right (or left…jeez, don’t be so sensitive).

The next person also has to name an example from the category that starts with the specific letter. If he can’t, he has to take two tokes of the cannabis and then pass it to the next person in the enneadecagon. If she can’t name an example, she has to take four tokes and pass.

After two or three failed attempts to name an example, change the category and letter and try again. Depending on how many people are playing, you’re going to go through A LOT of weed fairly quickly (two tokes, four tokes, eight tokes, ten). Be sure to start with enough, or limit the “penalty” for a failed attempt to one toke.

19. Band Names First & Last

This game is similar to Wacky Weed Categories, but with a significant twist. The first player names a band, pop group, singer, or musical performer. The next player has to name a band, pop group, singer, or musical performer whose name begins with the last letter of the previous name.

So if the first player said Queensrÿche, the second player could say Extreme, and the third player could say Enigma. Play continues thusly until a player can’t produce a name. When that happens, the player takes a hit (or two or three) and passes the Thai stick. The next person names a new band, and play proceeds as before.

You can also play this game with movies, actors, countries, elements on the periodic table, polyhedra, or, to make it really hard, Dungeons & Dragons monsters.

20. Straight-Faced Stoner

The name says it all. Don’t smile or you’re in trouble.

Before you start, agree on a penalty (e.g., watching Sex & The City, rolling the next joint from their own stash, making a prank phone call, or washing the supper dishes). Then get high.

When everyone’s plenty high, call out “Straight-faced stoner!” After that, no one’s allowed to smile. If someone cracks a grin, they have to perform the penalty. It’s simple as that, my friend.

21. Heavyweight

Before you go running for your scale, this game has nothing to do with mass. It’s really a variation on the idea that someone can’t hold their liquor (they’re a lightweight).

While you would NEVER, EVER want to play this game with alcohol (death is imminent, boys and girls), playing it with cannabis is much more forgiving (naps are imminent, boys and girls).

Some of you may know this game as Last Man Standing, but that’s a bit of a misnomer. For one, who says it’s going to be a man? For another, standing isn’t going to be an option when this game is over. Here’s how to play.

Smoke until you can’t smoke anymore. If you drop out or fall asleep, you lose. That’s it. The last person smoking (or awake) is crowned Heavyweight Champion of the Joint. Give them a crown.

It’s best not to play this game when you’ve got other things to do (unless you really want to miss them) because 1) you’re going to forget, or 2) you’re going to sleep right through them.

Get Creative

Instead of relying on a preconceived game, why not try to make up your own? Pass the bong around, get creative, and come up with your own contest. Who knows, maybe one day your weed game will make this list!For more information on all things cannabis and to check out our 100-percent all-natural marijuana products, visit today.

Thai Flower is one of the few Thailand-themed slot machines you will find at online casinos and is brought to us by Barcrest thanks to a licensing agreement they have with Reel Time Gaming (not to be confused by the USA software provider Realtime Gaming).

The theme of Thai Flower is a mix between Thailand and the iconic Lotus Flower which can be found all around the country – whether it be temples, ponds, swamps, and even restaurants. While many who first load the slot may view it as just another beautiful flower - the Lotus is actually the traditional flower of Buddhism therefore a very important and sacred symbol in Thailand.

If you reside in the UK and like to play Fixed Odds Betting Terminals you will already be familiar with the title, and may be surprised to learn that it is actually one of the most played FOBT slots in bookmakers up and down the country – up there with the Rainbow Riches slot machine which is also from Barcrest.

Thai Flower

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Basic Structure, Big Stakes

Thai Flower has a basic 5 reel, 10 payline structure which keeps things simple and adds to the appeal of playing it. The individual lines are clearly marked on the reels, and the stakes can be adjusted to anyone’s preference – from 0.01 up to 50.00. This allows you to play from as little as £0.10 up to high stakes of £500 a spin which is actually equivalent to over 27,000 Thai Baht.

However what will get you salivating is that Thai Flower offers a maximum win of up to £250,000 – not only a life changing amount to a Thai person but I’m sure it will be to you too – and if not feel free to share with us!

Striking Symbols and Sensual Sounds

The symbols in Thai Flower are striking and give a great feeling of Thailand, plus when you land a winning combination a quick animation occurs in those which gave you the win – a very nice touch.

Interestingly the Lotus Flower is both the Wild and Scatter in Thai Flower which we don’t see too often in online slots - instead they are usually represented by separate symbols. However, it does mean that it substitutes for every single other symbol with no exceptions which is great. Joining the Lotus Flower is a stunning Thai lady, elephant, luxurious mansion, boat, incense pot, and playing card symbols from Ace to 10. The Thai lady is the highest paying standard symbol with five on a payline paying 1000x your line bet whereas five of the Q, J or 10 playing card symbols only pay 100x.

Thai Flower Play For Fun Games

While the symbols look great I do feel like they could have been so much better – the use of playing cards is rather disappointing as they could easily have been replaced by things that we associate more with Thailand.

The sounds played as you spin the reels are very mystical and dreamy – enabling you to feel relaxed and imagine being on a beautiful Thai beach as you spin the reels.

Twelve Thai Spins

Thai Flower is all about the free spins feature and it begins when you land a Lotus Flower symbol on reel 1, 3 and 5 during the same spin. You are then provided with a total of twelve free spins and three symbols will be revealed at random which, along with the Lotus Flower, will be the only ones that fall on the reels.

The feature doesn’t trigger all that regularly but when it does you can sit back and rejoice in big wins thanks to the stacked symbols, with seemingly every spin resulting in a winning combination.

Free to Play Barcrest Slot Machine Games

Barcrest Slot Machine Reviews (No Free Games)

It’s All About One Feature…

Despite being one of the most played slot machines on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals I really can’t hide my disappointment with Thai Flower. Sure, the Thai theme is unusual and hasn’t been rehashed over and over again like so many others but the only reason I can see anyone playing this is for the free spins feature which granted is extremely rewarding and never fails to result in large wins – but it is the only feature available.

If you are a fan of Thailand or want a relaxing slot machine to play that has a lucrative free spins you will love Thai Flower, but with so many other slot machines available to enjoy online I’d prefer to spend my money on the likes of Net Entertainment’s Starburst or Leprechaun’s Luck from Playtech which have more bonus features loaded into them – rather than the sole one in this.